Monday, April 28, 2008

The Next Step for CLC LTA

As many of you know, I will retire as of May 30. I'm thrilled to let you know that the new Department Chair of LTA program will be Anne Chernaik. Many of you know Anne as the instructor of LTA 230, Library Public Services. Those of you in class this spring have met her already, as we have visited every class to introduce Anne and field your questions about the program. Anne has lots of great ideas for the future of the program, and I have no doubt that great things are in store for our students! What's more, she will be able to dedicate herself more fully to the LTA program than any department chair in the past, as the position has been restructured to allow for that. This will become Anne's blog if she chooses to continue it. Keep checking here for further LTA news. You may reach Anne at (847) 543-2460 or If you have not done so already, please offer her your support and confidence as she takes on the LTA program.


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